
萨曼莎毕比 has taught allied health science and public health in higher education for more than 20 years. 她目前是 生物behavioral Health (BBH) program at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 她负责协调项目开发活动, 监督兼职教师的工作, advises undergraduate students and teaches numerous BBH program courses. 


萨曼莎毕比 (second from left) and 全球 Health Minor students visited 厄瓜多尔's Middle of the World Museum.


Beebe is active in global travel and instruction and recognizes that a global perspective is a transformative experience for students. She led numerous embedded courses to Denmark and is developing a BBH 全球 Health Minor for the Lehigh Valley campus.  作为这一努力的一部分, Beebe was the faculty lead for a group of 全球 Health students to Tanzania in 2018 on a five-week field experience and then another global health cohort to 厄瓜多尔 for five weeks in May 2019.  


The highlight of my summer thus far is undoubtedly my recent trip to 厄瓜多尔. I was the faculty lead for the five-week field work experience in 厄瓜多尔 for 全球 Health Minor students from University Park. This required experience allows students to apply knowledge obtained in the classroom in a practical setting.


I have always believed deeply that all students benefit from a global perspective, so when I began my position as the (BBH) program coordinator, I knew that I wanted to bring the BBH 全球 Health Minor to our campus. 我见过达娜·诺顿, director of the 全球 Health Minor at University Park, within my first month and we quickly became friends over our shared commitment to global health. 毫不犹豫地, 我同意成为一名教员, which lead to my trip to Tanzania in 2018 and this year’s trip to 厄瓜多尔.


The students’ agendas were quite full for the five weeks.  我们的总部设在基多, and their typical day consisted of morning clinical observations in local health care facilities and then Spanish language lessons in the afternoon.  We took trips to other regions to expand their view of health beyond Quito. One such trip was to the town of Otavalo which is about 70 miles outside of Quito. 我们在Jambi Huasi诊所呆了三天, which is known for its ability to meet the health needs of the indigenous populations. Some students were fortunate enough to observe a traditional birth while there. We also spent time in the 库亚贝诺国家公园 which is the second largest reserve in 厄瓜多尔. 我们带着一辆“库伦德拉”去参观,或是当地的治疗师, and learned about the use of medicinal plants in traditional healing.  

What were your three favorite things from this experience?

Meeting the people of 厄瓜多尔 - They were so incredibly warm, kind and genuine. And most importantly, very forgiving of my elementary Spanish language skills!

Watching the students grow – 全球 experiences are truly transformative, and I have witnessed that process numerous times throughout my many years as a global health educator and advocate.  It can sometimes take months for the students to truly realize the impact of these experiences, but it happens and ultimately has a positive impact on their personal and professional perspectives.

Learning from my students - During a five-week abroad trip, you all become a very close group whether you like it or not!  但我认为我们都能从这个过程中受益.  This was a great group of students who were very passionate and knowledgeable about their goals in 厄瓜多尔 and I learned so much from them as they shared their daily reflections through their lenses.  We also shared a lot of laughter together and I can’t thank them enough for that!


I hope that the students learned to appreciate, value and respect cultural and social diversity.  Diversity is not something that should be feared, but instead embraced.  我们是一个相互依存的全球社区, and everyone has something to contribute and something to learn.  This experience will hopefully help shape them as good global health citizens.  如果是这样,那么我们都是赢家!


View from the tower of the Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, 厄瓜多尔






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